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We are planning a climate-ready HQ (headquarters) for FIS in Jacksonville

As per an estimate, more than 15 millions people live around watery areas or seashore which is around 77% of its total population. Designing residential projects there requires a refined and planned approach. 

Defining a versatile structure there requires a proper study of the demographics, climate, and environmental behaviors along with the coastline. 

The buildings that would be designed there must have strength and versatility enough to withstand flood and other climatic conditions.

Design requirements to convert roof of a Parking Garage into "People Deck" in India

People leaving some spaces and a local area are highly appreciable. Post Covid-19 pandemic, a shared space is required to bond again with surrounding people. Using this theme, we plan to convert parking garages, roofs or other unutilized space into spaces that can be better utilized such as “Group Deck “. Here is the Group Deck, people can gather, mingle, unwind, learn, appreciate and work out things together. 

At the time, when the things are considered to be normal after Covid-19, then this type of get together can work out best in urban communities, societies, inhabitants and other organizations.


New types of office space

After the pandemic, the world is returning to the New Normal and so are the working conditions and the workers. As per a survey conducted by Fayway on 3000 workers, 99% of the workers says that they are either working in the offices for the whole day or working in the crossover model by splitting time between working environment and elective areas. In some countries, they are still working away from organisations such as the US, UK, Australia while China is the first country to return to the normal conditions as it was before the pandemic. 

What are the benefits that we can get by converting Class C offices into First Class Residential

As the pandemic hit the world, many businesses were on the surge of being shut down due to financial losses or the other emergencies and crises that arose with the pandemic. Many countries and their major cities are now left with the vacant office spaces that are unutilized. 

Market and business are already flooded with so many Class C offices that are now underutilized due to pandemic. 

With the designing, we plan to convert those Class C offices into beautiful residential projects that can be used for the residents to have a better living over there. Or,alternatively these Class C offices can also be revived and remodeled to make lavish and convenient office spaces.

library design by fayway
team work together fayway

Conveying wellness to the students.

Emotional wellness plays a major role in every aspect of life, even at the school level. After the rapid episodes of Covid-19 into the world,it has become an important subject to think about. The specialists are even researching on the grounds for the reason behind mental health issues in undergraduates and graduates. Many institutions are assembling together to run awareness campaigns on this to know the main cause of mental health issues. 

Few institutions are working on building strong grounds on mental health focussing while other institutions are inspecting how they can bring wellbeing to a normal life. But when we are planning to build a stress and tension free community, we need to put the shame and fear aside. 

Another approach to achieve the same is via the complete health and biological system. With a biological system,one can adjust to society with responsive arrangements. 

Another approach to consider is with proper cleanliness. The day by day routine is much responsible for actual wellbeing. The conditions are always difficult to fix with issues in it. However the same can be supported with your educational experiences. 

The above system at the core includes five important factors of wellbeing: 


  • Destigmatize while Getting Help
  • Building a good culture of wellness
  • Distribution of Wellness throughout the Campus
  • Making It Student driven
  • Design to the Edges

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