Publications : In this segment, we have introduced a new forum to discuss new trends and ideas to be implemented in site designing. It is published twice a year and issues direct concern to the client. 

It offers views gathered from on-board Fayway clients and the outside clients which are not connected with Fayway.

publications expert fayway
publications - fayway


The design forecast issued in the Fayway expands the traditional annual report to give an educational manual about the plan ahead.


This is also a Fayway publication, named as Dialog Magazine. This is issued to gather recent issues and concerns to our direct customers. It is published twice a year and addresses tye issues of Fayway and Non-Fayway clients. 


Fayway generally issues a Design update that features design updates about the customers and their businesses including their creative plan with specialized and administrative arrangements.


The books that Fayway issues are helpful in giving the knowledge about the pre-planning,capacity and ways to improve human experience. It includes a big volume of knowledge to deal with new plans and arrangements.



First, we need to agree to this fact. Yes! Working from home is a great option. When I was working from home,I got to spend some time with my family. I can hardly remember a day when I haven’t talked to my family members.  Yes ! Face to face associations and meetings are correct and justified at their own place. 

At first, working from home was a pretty silly thing to do. The whole day passes by going “Zoom” around with my boss and colleagues. Time passed by and days got converted into months and months into years. I actually understood how direct conversations takes care of the person’s mental balances and helps to build a healthy conversation. 

As the pandemic slowed down its pace, the working started over to be at office premises and we learnt the art of remote association and to do well in spite of every odds.


The good thing about Covid-19 pandemic that we felt was our closeness to nature. Everything was shut down and the air was cleaner. It was a good time to fill your lungs with the fresh air. Although building a more airy and structural framework, filtered air vents and operable windows help but nothing is more advantageous than the fresh natural air. 

This eventually gave rise to designing that is more diverted towards filling the building with more natural air like rooftop decks, open-air furniture, park & walking zones and strolling ways.

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